Rough-Hewn Servant

Smoothing out the rough little by little

Back Here Again

Published by Ben under on Tuesday, July 17, 2007
We all know those times....those times that are rougher than any other. Those times when we are facing something that at the time just seems to be cruel, unusual, and takes forever to go away. Eventually we do get through those times and hopefully we can attribute that it was through God's strength and wisdom, not our own. Although, what's ironic about those times is that just when you think you are finally through the thick of it all and things are going well, something else comes into the scene and boots you right back into the fray. At those times I think to myself, "Hey God, I've already been through this. Why am I back??" I think that God's response goes something like this, "I'm not done teaching you..."

Looking back though at my meager past I cannot help but realize that it is in these times of confusion that God works to teach me something significant. Whether we put our selves in certain situations or God does, it all happens for the glory of God. I believe that He uses these tough situations to bring us to Him in dependence and that through trusting in Him, He uses these "hard times" to teach us something about Him or is showing us something in our lives that needs to change.

Though, it seems that too often we just come to God when we are uncomfortable or unsure of something and not when everything seems to be going our way. When things are swell for us, human nature dictates that we become independent unto ourselves for our own happiness. Hey if we have the money then we can just buy happiness right? No, we cannot. We can only buy into pleasure as long as the money lasts, but even then, happiness is circumstantial. Rather, we should be seeking for joy in God wherever we are in our lives. He can fill the heart with a joy that is not dependent on whatever situations we find ourselves in. If we cannot depend on God period, then how can we be joyful in all that we experience, and even say that we live for Him.

Czech Team '07 Returns

Published by Ben under on Saturday, July 14, 2007
On Thursday night of this week I went down to good ol' always-seems-to-be-under-construction Sky Harbor airport. My purpose for even going there was for the incoming Czech Team 2007. Almost 3 weeks ago I saw them off as they departed to go to the Czech Republic to host an English Learning / Sports Camp. So after walking around the airport for a bit, I finally found where passengers came out of customs and stood among friends and families of the team. As the team finally came out, I was filled with joy for what they gave of their time and what they accomplished even though I may not know what that all entails at this moment. I didn't interrogate them about what happened (I'll do that later), but from a few things some of them said, it was an awesome experience that may change the course of some of their lives. God is Good and Worthy is He to be Praised. After greeting everyone, I started to head back to the parking garage and on the way there I could barely contain the joy I had for this team and for the Czech students that I know from when I went a year ago. My joy almost had me skipping down the concourse. Why do I feel this way about the Czech Republic (maybe even Eastern Europe), God only knows as it is He who placed the desire in my heart to return to the Czech Republic. Next summer will find me in the Czech Republic (Eastern Europe otherwise) for 3 months with Josiah Venture. It took me a year to realize what God was placing on my heart and how He is growing me in areas I am weak in. Through my weaknesses His glory will be seen. So as I have a year to wait, I continue to find joy in serving Him in RUSH and VI.

Minor adjustment here....a little tweak there

Published by Ben under on Tuesday, July 10, 2007
This past Sunday I attended a meeting of leaders within VI on the future of VI. As I listened to the vision being cast, excitement welled up as I saw what this would mean for VI. Over the next few months, this vision will begin to take shape in the form of a slight reorganization of VI's small groups and the Living Room (mid sized group). Instead of small groups or the Living Room, community groups will form. The difference between what VI has been doing and the idea of these new community groups is that in these new, mixed gender, community groups, people will regularly meet to glorify God in fellowship, support each other, and learn from one another. The hope is that these community groups will go beyond just meeting at some place to discuss something biblical and actually be involved in the surrounding community of Tempe or wherever that group is meeting. The idea is that these groups will regularly be doing outreach in their local communities as well as investing time, wisdom, and prayer in each others lives as they seek after God. Much of this is still up in the air and nothing is quite set in stone yet so prayer is essential as we move through this time of transition.

Church - What is it?

Published by Ben under on Saturday, July 07, 2007
The following is a post Chris Gonzalez made on his blog earlier this week.

So, this is a bit of a stretch. But I figured I would stay under this week’s iPhone theme:

I had a (lively) discussion with a student in our ministry this afternoon. He was asking me why I didn’t think it was cool to church hop and small group hop. Now, for those of you unfamiliar with the lingo, church hopping is when someone attends multiple churches. He was asking what the problem would be if he attended (regularly) 3 different small groups in our ministry – Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. I told him he needed to put down his shopping bags at the Jesus Fashion Park, hunker down in one group, and dive in to deeper community. His rationale was that he gets and gives different things to different groups. He said he felt it was valid to go to church for “what’s in it for me.”

He says, “Church is formost about my needs. I need community, fellowship, teaching, etc.” I say, “The church needs me. I join a church whose mission I believe in, and I come to give. I recieve as a by-product.”

So, I would love to hear some thoughts.
Is church for me first?
Can church hopping be legit?

If church is about meeting the needs of the immediate congregation, then would that not make those who attend for that purpose selfish? Would that then mean that the church is, in a basic way, wanting itself?

But how then do we define what/who the church is? Well, I think we can agree that the composition of the church goes beyond brick and mortar, and even location. So then the church is the people, more specifically the believers. The church is a community of believers that come together to praise God, give of themselves to bring glory to God. Now when I say “give of themselves”, I am not merely talking about money, but also time, spiritual gifts, skills….ultimately life. The church needs people who live for Christ, love like Christ, putting themselves last instead of first; people who will suffer for the cause of Christ. We are all called to suffer for Christ, no one is exempted.

Likewise, the local church (local community of believers) needs to live for Christ and have their focus be on outreach above that of their own comfort. What is at stake are people’s souls, not how good our butt feels. As a whole I feel that the Christian church here in America has lost sight of the finish line. We have come to put our own comfort, laziness, and likeability above that of God’s calling. We need to realize that if one of our brothers (another church) is suffering, then we need to be there to support it. Change is happening….

I have seen God moving in ministries like VI and have heard great things about what God is doing in other college age ministries surrounding ASU in relation to reaching out to the college community that thrives around ASU and MCC. Beyond the collegian community in VI’s backyard, VI has also been supporting trips to the Czech Republic and Turkey and Kenya, working to bring the truth of Christ’s love to the students there. I have also seen God working to bring about change in Grace Community Church through adopting a community in Kenya (the same one the VI sends people to) and supporting the church there.

So do you “use” church? Or are you part of a church whose mission is to see God known and glorified in the community?

