The Friday Exposure: Tranquility

There is one thing that I have been neglecting to do these past few weeks. It is not spending time with God in His word. It is not school work. It is not spending time with family. It is not commitment to the student ministries at church. What I have been neglecting is something that American society as a whole has seemed to devalue as time has passed. What I am referencing is reflection on what is happening around me and who is in my life at this moment. Even in the midst of this turbulent time with school, church, and, as of recently, work, I still need to take time to look at life as it is happening around me. In doing so, I see more than just my life but the lives of others. I try to imagine what other people are doing in situations. Why are they there? I wonder to myself, what drives them to get through the day? What is there motivation? For me, the answer is easy as it is to live for God. I cannot speak for others but after realizing this, I come to see the peace and security I have laid in Christ no matter what my circumstances are. That alone brings a comfort to me that is not laid upon material things. The comfort I am speaking about is that which comes from the knowledge of God's grace. Nothing can surpass comfort that has knowledge of God as it's foundation. So in getting myself out of and above the soup that I refer to as life here, I am able to see what is around me and more importantly it allows me to see that God is above it all. God's glory and sovereignty is manifested in a distinct and sharply defined way that is beyond the scope of understanding of our minds. We realize the distinction exists but cannot fully grasp the complexity and reach of it both in the physical and metaphysical sense. God illuminates the "soup" in a way I could never conceive of alone with my own eyes. Regardless of this fact, the amount of peace and comfort that God bring to my life is beyond explanation......and I am completely fine with that. There is no need for explanation. Just savor it.
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