The Friday Exposure: Stripped

Maybe at one point in your life you have been stripped.....of rank, position, ambition, dignity, or during a search. Regardless, each of these things results in a person being humbled as a consequence of some action taken. Most people would associate these situations as being unfavorable. However, when it comes to my faith, to be humbled, to be stripped of all that I hold in high esteem in regards to my character and values is a good thing. It is far too easy to forget about what is important in life (God) and to spend time, money, and focus on. God makes known to me what my focus and priorities are in life and whether they are in line with His desires for my life through such experiences. Life is more than just living to make it through, living to have wealth, and living to be good. Rather, we are called to be obedient to God's calling, not to put it in the back closet to pull out at the end of it all when we deem that we have the time for it. His calling does not cease, it just changes in manifestation.
Luke 12:15 - The He (Jesus) said to them, "Beware, and be on your guard against every form of greed; for not even when one has an abundance does his life consist of his possessions."
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