A Humbling Perspective
The past few weeks have proved to be especially difficult. Its not so much a matter of what I busy my self with but more so the anxieties that have been plaguing me. I found it easy to say to my self "Don't focus on it" but really that did nothing to curb the welling fear of the uncertainty in the road ahead of me in terms of education and life. However, I kept trying my hardest to break from the depressing nature of such thoughts, but continually came to find that my own efforts, large or small, were to no avail. That is my weakness, I try to do everything with my own power rather than depending and waiting on God. Some may say that it is alright to worry about this thing or that but in thinking about it, I cannot get past the selfish nature of such thinking. Here I am thinking that my problems and uncertainties are the most important things in the world and that everything else can take its place behind them. How wrong I am!
These past few days God has done a lot to make me realize where my perspective should be. My perspective should not be focused on myself, but on God (Colossians 3:1) and those around me (Philippians 2: 3-4). What I mean by this is more than just taking them into consideration, but to manifest the love of Christ towards them over yourself in your actions. This could mean spending time with friends and really getting to know about what has been happening in their lives and how you could be praying for them. Gaining such a perspective of where I consider myself and my problems of the least significance to those of another person has been so freeing for me. This is exactly how Christ lived His life on earth. Christ made it a point to seek the interests of others by humbling Himself below that of His creation so that God's grace towards His creation would be made complete through the sacrificial death of Christ and His subsequent resurrection! (Philippians 2:5-8) God calls me to be obedient to Him in that I need to regard others as more important than my own worries or issues, not begrudgingly, but rather in a manner marked by obeisance. So while the future is still uncertain, I am excited for where God is leading me and even more excited for how He will use me to reach out to those in need!
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