The Friday Exposure: Simplicity

As holidays come and pass this season, I have to say that the time I enjoyed the most was not Christmas day or the upcoming New Years party I will inevitably be at Wednesday night, nor was it spending time with the family (which I do love to do), but rather the most enjoyable time I found this holiday season was in the solitude it brought with having no classes to attend or shifts to work. Sadly this is something that has seemed to disappear over the course of this past semester in school as there was always something I should have been doing. I have thoroughly enjoyed being in solitude with God this past week and a half in prayer and in the Bible and also in reading Humility by Andrew Murray. The subsequent thoughts, ideas, and challenges the previous four have provided me these past days have also been something that I have found to be provoking on spiritual, emotional, and physical levels, and thus a welcomed change in my life as it questions concepts that I have held fast to for years. This is not to say that I completely changed my way of thinking and how I view life, but rather I have tweaked my views and thinking to be more in line with the truths that God laid down. Spiritual growth is not a static thing but rather it is dynamic and directly impacts a person's emotional and physical being as well as how the person's view on life and what surrounds him or her.
So why have we gone to great strides to make our lives easier but in the process add more junk in where we have saved time with technology. To some it is a matter of image, to others it is the difference between being full or hungry. We have strayed from being dependent on God to being independent and self-centered. We have become addicted to the fast-paced whirlwind of life around us. So I urge you to take time and seek simplicity this holiday season and forget about what has to be done, even if it is only for a moment....
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