Czech: Arrival (Part 1)
To all who know me back home, I arrived safely in the Czech Republic this past Wednesday (5/28) around 12 noon. The flights went well amid running across London's Heathrow airport to catch the plane to Prague. I then spent the next few days with my teammate Josh and our team leader Leah traveling across the Czech Republic in a race against the other intern teams to reach the final destination of Malenovice, which is on the eastern edge of the country. Sadly we did not win the race. The race was awesome in that it put our team in situations that tested how well we interacted with one another and showed some areas where we are weak. Also, the race allowed us to get to know each other really well and I am excited to be on a team with them. Tomorrow, the last member of our team will arrive and then our team for this summer will be complete.
So as of now, I have been at Malenovice since Friday night and am currently in the middle of intern training for this summer. It has been a great few days getting to know the other interns and where they will be going to serve this summer. There are some awesome people that God brought to eastern europe this summer. In a couple days, my team and I will be traveling to Strakonice, which is in the southern portion of the country. In Strakonice, we will be going around to schools and promoting the english camps. Then in the end of June, I will get to see the 2-week team from Grace in Ceske Budejovice, of which I am excited for.
So as of now, I have been at Malenovice since Friday night and am currently in the middle of intern training for this summer. It has been a great few days getting to know the other interns and where they will be going to serve this summer. There are some awesome people that God brought to eastern europe this summer. In a couple days, my team and I will be traveling to Strakonice, which is in the southern portion of the country. In Strakonice, we will be going around to schools and promoting the english camps. Then in the end of June, I will get to see the 2-week team from Grace in Ceske Budejovice, of which I am excited for.