Rough-Hewn Servant

Smoothing out the rough little by little

God Glorified

Published by Ben under on Tuesday, December 11, 2007
The following is the words of Jonathan Edwards, early American theologian.

God is glorified within Himself these two ways: 1. By appearing… to Himself in His own perfect idea [of Himself], or in His Son, who is the brightness of His glory. 2. By enjoying and delighting in Himself, by flowing forth in infinite . . . delight towards Himself, or in his Holy Spirit…So God glorifies Himself toward the creatures also in two ways: 1. By appearing to… their understanding. 2. In communicating Himself to their hearts, and in their rejoicing and delighting in, and enjoying, the manifestations which He makes of Himself…God is glorified not only by His glory’s being seen, but by its being rejoiced in. When those that see it delight in it, God is more glorified than if they only see it. His glory is then received by the whole soul, both by the understanding and by the heart. God made the world that He might communicate, and the creature receive, His glory; and that it might [be] received both by the mind and heart. He that testifies his idea of God’s glory [doesn’t] glorify God so much as he that testifies also his approbation of it and his delight in it.
- Jonathan Edwards

Our Response to God Amidst Decision Making

Published by Ben under on Sunday, October 14, 2007
Philippians 4:6-7
do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Yesterday I came across this verse and as I read it, I realized how very applicable it was to my life at this point. Stemming from my last post, while I may not need to hang myself up on making a decision, this does not mean I should stop praying about it. Reading Philippians 4:6-7 helped me to realize something beyond the fact that God wants us to come to Him with our requests. What cannot be missed is that Paul states that when we do come to God with requests, that we come to Him with thanksgiving! God wants us to come to Him with thankfulness for what He is doing in our lives. Note that Paul puts no constraints saying to only have thankfulness when everything is going alright. For my life, I might be having some really awesome days where I am just enjoying life, or I might be having really crummy days where I am just wishing the next day would come sooner, but regardless of this, I am to come to God with thankfulness in my heart over all that He is to me. After all, Christ's blood does cover me and that is reason enough for me to come to God with thanksgiving. So as this choice continues to loom in the near future, I will continue to pray about it and in the process, be thankful for all that God is teaching me through this time of waiting.

The Decision Not to Choose (for now)

Published by Ben under on Wednesday, October 10, 2007
I found myself these past two weeks hanging myself up on a decision that has the potential to be life altering. I am ashamed to say that I have been obsessing over this decision more than I should be, even though at different times it seemed eminent that this decision was going to have to be made sooner than I had anticipated. Regardless of this though, I have been giving too much attention to making this decision rather than focusing on what is important in my life at this time. Yes, a decision like moving, is a rather big decision, but to spend time and effort worrying about it at this moment when really, my time and effort should be focused on God, the relationships I have here, and what I do here. This decision of mine will not be an easy one when it comes down to making it, so all I can do is wait and hope on God. I may not know at this specific moment what His will is for my life, but if I continue to reside and renew myself in Him then according to His timing His Will will be revealed (Romans 12:1-2). 1 Peter 3:17 says, "For it is better, if God should will it so, that you suffer for doing what is right rather than for doing what is wrong." In You Lord, I wait. Give me strength and patience as I wait on You. (Psalms 27:14)

Recommended sermon: What is the Will of God and How Do We Know It?

Developing A Passion

Published by Ben under on Thursday, August 30, 2007
One thing I have learned over the past few years, it is that having a passion for being involved in something is not a requirement. A person can become a volunteer for something or other for the simple reason of the organization needing help. Later, that reason may change as the willing soul begins to see the scope of the organization and why it does what it does. Looking back, this has happened to me a number of times, including last night. Around a year ago, I was asked to help out with RUSH (the junior high ministry at my church). I started off just showing up one day a week with the reason being that they needed help because they were short-handed. Little did I realize at that time that I would increase both my involvement and reason for coming. Over time I developed a passion for wanting to see students grow in knowledge of God and what He holds for their lives. I am currently pursuing to be more involved to the point of helping to lead a small group and wanting to lead on some of the many various trips the ministry does. We'll see what this next year holds for me.

Back Here Again

Published by Ben under on Tuesday, July 17, 2007
We all know those times....those times that are rougher than any other. Those times when we are facing something that at the time just seems to be cruel, unusual, and takes forever to go away. Eventually we do get through those times and hopefully we can attribute that it was through God's strength and wisdom, not our own. Although, what's ironic about those times is that just when you think you are finally through the thick of it all and things are going well, something else comes into the scene and boots you right back into the fray. At those times I think to myself, "Hey God, I've already been through this. Why am I back??" I think that God's response goes something like this, "I'm not done teaching you..."

Looking back though at my meager past I cannot help but realize that it is in these times of confusion that God works to teach me something significant. Whether we put our selves in certain situations or God does, it all happens for the glory of God. I believe that He uses these tough situations to bring us to Him in dependence and that through trusting in Him, He uses these "hard times" to teach us something about Him or is showing us something in our lives that needs to change.

Though, it seems that too often we just come to God when we are uncomfortable or unsure of something and not when everything seems to be going our way. When things are swell for us, human nature dictates that we become independent unto ourselves for our own happiness. Hey if we have the money then we can just buy happiness right? No, we cannot. We can only buy into pleasure as long as the money lasts, but even then, happiness is circumstantial. Rather, we should be seeking for joy in God wherever we are in our lives. He can fill the heart with a joy that is not dependent on whatever situations we find ourselves in. If we cannot depend on God period, then how can we be joyful in all that we experience, and even say that we live for Him.

Czech Team '07 Returns

Published by Ben under on Saturday, July 14, 2007
On Thursday night of this week I went down to good ol' always-seems-to-be-under-construction Sky Harbor airport. My purpose for even going there was for the incoming Czech Team 2007. Almost 3 weeks ago I saw them off as they departed to go to the Czech Republic to host an English Learning / Sports Camp. So after walking around the airport for a bit, I finally found where passengers came out of customs and stood among friends and families of the team. As the team finally came out, I was filled with joy for what they gave of their time and what they accomplished even though I may not know what that all entails at this moment. I didn't interrogate them about what happened (I'll do that later), but from a few things some of them said, it was an awesome experience that may change the course of some of their lives. God is Good and Worthy is He to be Praised. After greeting everyone, I started to head back to the parking garage and on the way there I could barely contain the joy I had for this team and for the Czech students that I know from when I went a year ago. My joy almost had me skipping down the concourse. Why do I feel this way about the Czech Republic (maybe even Eastern Europe), God only knows as it is He who placed the desire in my heart to return to the Czech Republic. Next summer will find me in the Czech Republic (Eastern Europe otherwise) for 3 months with Josiah Venture. It took me a year to realize what God was placing on my heart and how He is growing me in areas I am weak in. Through my weaknesses His glory will be seen. So as I have a year to wait, I continue to find joy in serving Him in RUSH and VI.

Minor adjustment here....a little tweak there

Published by Ben under on Tuesday, July 10, 2007
This past Sunday I attended a meeting of leaders within VI on the future of VI. As I listened to the vision being cast, excitement welled up as I saw what this would mean for VI. Over the next few months, this vision will begin to take shape in the form of a slight reorganization of VI's small groups and the Living Room (mid sized group). Instead of small groups or the Living Room, community groups will form. The difference between what VI has been doing and the idea of these new community groups is that in these new, mixed gender, community groups, people will regularly meet to glorify God in fellowship, support each other, and learn from one another. The hope is that these community groups will go beyond just meeting at some place to discuss something biblical and actually be involved in the surrounding community of Tempe or wherever that group is meeting. The idea is that these groups will regularly be doing outreach in their local communities as well as investing time, wisdom, and prayer in each others lives as they seek after God. Much of this is still up in the air and nothing is quite set in stone yet so prayer is essential as we move through this time of transition.

Church - What is it?

Published by Ben under on Saturday, July 07, 2007
The following is a post Chris Gonzalez made on his blog earlier this week.

So, this is a bit of a stretch. But I figured I would stay under this week’s iPhone theme:

I had a (lively) discussion with a student in our ministry this afternoon. He was asking me why I didn’t think it was cool to church hop and small group hop. Now, for those of you unfamiliar with the lingo, church hopping is when someone attends multiple churches. He was asking what the problem would be if he attended (regularly) 3 different small groups in our ministry – Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. I told him he needed to put down his shopping bags at the Jesus Fashion Park, hunker down in one group, and dive in to deeper community. His rationale was that he gets and gives different things to different groups. He said he felt it was valid to go to church for “what’s in it for me.”

He says, “Church is formost about my needs. I need community, fellowship, teaching, etc.” I say, “The church needs me. I join a church whose mission I believe in, and I come to give. I recieve as a by-product.”

So, I would love to hear some thoughts.
Is church for me first?
Can church hopping be legit?

If church is about meeting the needs of the immediate congregation, then would that not make those who attend for that purpose selfish? Would that then mean that the church is, in a basic way, wanting itself?

But how then do we define what/who the church is? Well, I think we can agree that the composition of the church goes beyond brick and mortar, and even location. So then the church is the people, more specifically the believers. The church is a community of believers that come together to praise God, give of themselves to bring glory to God. Now when I say “give of themselves”, I am not merely talking about money, but also time, spiritual gifts, skills….ultimately life. The church needs people who live for Christ, love like Christ, putting themselves last instead of first; people who will suffer for the cause of Christ. We are all called to suffer for Christ, no one is exempted.

Likewise, the local church (local community of believers) needs to live for Christ and have their focus be on outreach above that of their own comfort. What is at stake are people’s souls, not how good our butt feels. As a whole I feel that the Christian church here in America has lost sight of the finish line. We have come to put our own comfort, laziness, and likeability above that of God’s calling. We need to realize that if one of our brothers (another church) is suffering, then we need to be there to support it. Change is happening….

I have seen God moving in ministries like VI and have heard great things about what God is doing in other college age ministries surrounding ASU in relation to reaching out to the college community that thrives around ASU and MCC. Beyond the collegian community in VI’s backyard, VI has also been supporting trips to the Czech Republic and Turkey and Kenya, working to bring the truth of Christ’s love to the students there. I have also seen God working to bring about change in Grace Community Church through adopting a community in Kenya (the same one the VI sends people to) and supporting the church there.

So do you “use” church? Or are you part of a church whose mission is to see God known and glorified in the community?

Discussion or Discouragement

Published by Ben under on Tuesday, June 19, 2007
So this morning I found myself actually waking up early to go to a men's bible study group. Typically I do not do so well in a discussion setting as I cannot think of my own opinions quick enough or completely enough to really be worth anything, or at least that is what I think. So as it turns out, this morning turned out to be a discussion on being missional, what that means, and how that affects our lives/actions/conversations. Sadly, I became discouraged when my opinions were confronted. So naturally I ask myself, "Did I clearly communicate my thoughts?" Apparently not because it was taken in a way that I did not intend it to be taken but that is not the point of why I am bringing this up. The real question I should be asking is, "Why did I become discouraged? What are my motives for being here, for giving input?" To give input for the sake of getting a word in edge wise or saying something just because I can is misuse of what knowledge God has filled me with. So anything short of saying something that would give God the glory would be for selfish reasons. Again I ask myself another question, "What is my purpose for coming to this study?" Well, one reason is to grow in understanding while spending time in fellowship with other believers. The other reason is to ultimately be available to be used by God to speak into other people's lives should God lead me to do that. This though goes beyond just this study group because it is applicable to any where and any one we socialize with. Too often I limit myself by confining certain subjects to certain people/places. So I think I'll add that to the list of things I need to work on.

Teen Preachers??

Published by Ben under on Saturday, May 05, 2007
So tonight I happened to pick up todays newspaper and came across an article entitled "Teen Preachers Reach Out to Younger Peers in Tent Meetings". Upon reading it, I was struck in a weird way. It is awesome to see some young people becoming involved in ministry, but at the same time it scares me for a few reasons. First, it seems to me that they are way to young to be preaching and so without having heard the sermons, I am quite leery of their wisdom and understanding of the passages. This is not to say they are not sound, I just can't be sure from the few excepts the article included. But my major concern is why have kids take on such a high responsibility role when there are plenty of other ways to grow leadership in the generation of tomorrow. To have kids involved in the leadership of a ministry is a great way to grow the leaders of tomorrow, but to have kids take on the full responsibility of a ministry is not in my view the best way of accomplishing spiritual growth in the church. I even have my own doubts about what I might say if I were in a situation like that at this time in my life because the more time I spend with God and in His Word, the more I realize that I really will never comprehend everything there is to know about God.

Goals for the Rest of 2007

Published by Ben under on Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Following the last post, I thought it would be a good idea to decide on some goals to shoot for this year.
  • Focus my time and energy on my relationship with God
  • Be a more vocal leader at Grace Community in both VI (college ministry) and RUSH (junior high ministry)
  • Be bold with my faith in what I believe and in what I say in conversations with people

Knowing When To Let Go

Published by Ben under on Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Our lives are filled with choices, some stressful, some unintuitive, and some painful. When it comes to relationships (or even the possibility of one), it seems to always be that a painful decision is involved. Months ago I found myself in a place that often left me frustrated and confused. Throughout the 1.5 year time span of liking this one girl, I had to endure watching her fall for a friend and then see my friend break it off. In the midst of this I was struggling to figure whether I liked this girl enough to pursue her, and so my mind ended up becoming like a yo-yo in that I kept going back and forth. This was devastating to my health in that I constantly found my self on the verge of just losing it and breaking down. It seemed that I could not let her go completely. Thankfully, this ended a few months ago when God revealed to me what I had been doing. I see now that I was focusing on the hope of a relationship to bring me pleasure and attention from those closest to me. As I look back, I wish I had spent more of that wasted time in the Word with God.

Singing with Hands

Published by Ben under on Tuesday, January 16, 2007
The last week of December found me weathering the St. Louis cold to understand more about God and missionary work. The Urbana ‘06 missions conference took up all of downtown St. Louis and then some, of which I will talk about in following posts. The purpose of this post is to bring to light a thought that had been dwelling in my mind since Urbana. While attending one of the worship sessions, I noticed that for the attending deaf, an American sign translator was provided. A question then occurred to me, “How do deaf people worship?” In my limited scope, I saw worship as words describing what I feel both whether I was saying them out loud or in my mind. Basically it all comes down to asking how deaf people think. Do they think in words, or in hand motions, or both? Trying to wrap my mind around the thought of expressive, descriptive worship in hand motions just baffles me. I am not saying that it is impossible. I believe that there is no constraint to worship so long as it is a persons expressive feelings towards God’s love and provision. Don’t get me wrong here, this is only the tip of the worship iceberg as worship it self goes far beyond that which is said here. What this post all comes down to is the realization that worship goes deeper than just what can be said with words through song, but all the way down to the state of our hearts. Whether we worship with our voices or hands, it is trivial in comparison to that our our hearts. I may not understand how worship works in relation to other people, but I know that God knows the conditions of our hearts.


Published by Ben under on Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Originally I had another blog but couldn't import some of those posts into this one. Even with that problem, this should work out better because I was going off on tangents away from the purposes of what I had originally intended for that blog. So with that said I start afresh with this blog.
